European Refugee Crisis Spotlight

I kind of haven’t been writing much of any substance, all that often it’s true. But I really think maybe it’s time to change that. Its been impossible to watch the news or read any source online without being bombarded by the refugee crisis in Europe. The images that we’re seeing each day are truly heartbreaking. I don’t have any answers on how to deal with it. I know very little about the intricacies of international politics especially on such a global scale. So perhaps as the saying so often goes, the best way to help is to acknowledge the plight of those that who are in need. The more we talk about it, the more it comes up in conversation and the more attention that is given to it, maybe those who have the ability to do something will step up to the plate.

So for the next couple of days I’m going to be posting and re-posting about the crisis, from those sources that I feel are reliable and maybe if I can add my little bit to it, then I feel like I’ve done something.

Checkout CNN world news, they’ve been reporting like mad, with images, opinion and current events on the crisis.

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